Thursday, September 2, 2021

Blog entry 901: "Believe in yourself"

Outside bulletin board at the entrance of Minami JHS, Kurashiki, Okayama, JAPAN

"It is precisely in hard times when you believe in yourself.  If one person believes, then you can do it." (Outside bulletin board at the entrance of Minami JHS, Kurashiki, Okayama, JAPAN)

        I took a picture of this sign at my school because it seemed so accurate and timely during these days of COVID-19.  There is a lot of uncertainty and a heavy feeling of unease among students, teachers and parents alike as we begin this new term and focus on possibly moving forward with online classes in some limited, irregular way.

Each day, the numbers of infected people and of those that die from this disease are consistently increasing.  Remaining positive can be challenging.  Yet, it is in these times that we must aspire to a unity of purpose to protect ourselves and our fellow school mates.  We must remain vigilant in using social distance, washing our hands, gargling and being aware of our movements in various social settings.

Being a father and a teacher in these turbulent times leads me to consider many things.  Will my daughter be safe in her school?  Am I doing all that I can to stay safe in mine?  What more can we do?  It is considerations such as these that circulate in  my mind as I prepare teach regular classes today.
Self-awareness, along with self-confidence, are the essentials in this fight with an unseen foe.  They clarify how I continue my approach so that we can persevere.

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In loving tribute to my favorite band Chicano Batman

  A humble tribute to Chicano Batman's "Live Today."