Friday, February 26, 2021

Malcolm and Martin, Kamala and Deb

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X

    It still boggles my mind that the "Black History month" in America is in February, the shortest month of the year.  Actual African history is made up of thousands of years, longer than any others in human history.  Black lives matter, just as the lives of all other minorities in this country.  Yet, it took a nationwide movement last summer, amid a worldwide pandemic, in order to make this common truth accepted and/or acceptable as a topic of regular, daily conversation.

    Most of those in power at the time have since passed from the scene, for now.  The Tangerine Tyrant has been replaced.  His sloven tentacles no longer able to trigger neither nuclear codes to launch nor toxic tweets to instigate and insinuate.  Yet, the broth that is made of his small, electric eel-like constituents is slowly simmering again after the tragic attack these minions made on our Capitol on January 6th.  White supremacists and their clueless followers have made their response to last summer's call for freedom.

    And they lost.  We have not succumbed to the worst tendencies of our human nature and our country, though in intensive care, has not perished.  As the phoenix, we rise again from the ashes.  The future is ours to map out how we chose for the benefit of put children and grandchildren.

    It is with all of our hope and aspiration, and our collective hard work, that we forge this new national identity of an American as any person of any creed, bound only by the belief in true democracy and freedom for all.  Our Constitution is imperfect but we are molding it still in order to re-commit ourselves to these ideals.  When we uphold this document as the Law of the Land, we uphold the best in ourselves and in one another.

    It will take a while to become an enviable model of a country among the others in the world that have been watching how we almost burned down our own house.  Those countries too understand the fragility of democracy.  But the people have spoken, chanted, marched, video conferenced and gathered together to say we all matter and our national soul is not dead.  We are reborn because we refuse to become ash.  We are the light.

    Let it shine from Malcolm and Martin.  Let it shine from Kamala and Deb.  Let the light shine from within each of us and let us once again be the beacon of light from which freedom may eminate.  

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In loving tribute to my favorite band Chicano Batman

  A humble tribute to Chicano Batman's "Live Today."