Friday, October 27, 2017

Growing up

My daughter Lilica is, in the truest sense of the word, a blessing. She makes my life so fulfilling and her curiosity guides me to forge new paths every day when finding how to describe the world and how to exist within it. Our spirits are woven together in much the same way as my mother's and mine are, moment-by-moment, ever-embracing for warmth, nourishment and inspiration.

La chavala is getting closer to her friends these days. The time that was normally reserved for Daddy and daughter bonding has now evolving into fun times with friends which may or may not include me. But, as every parent must, I grudgingly accept this new position, yet remain for her and for my wifey Katsumi the rock and the light, steadfast to anchor in times of need and shining as an example of how to live. At least, that's what I strive to be.

Aye mija. How I love you and your mother, your Nana and your Obaachan. Being the man in the middle of all of these strong women pushes me to do all that I can to ensure their peacefulness and tranquility. And I am fulfilled by this as my most important role as a human being is being served.

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