Friday, June 9, 2017

What a week!

Over the weekend, Lily brought home her science project, raising a caterpillar she named Lisa. The small plastic container she had been keeping Lisa in was once a container for small vegetables, one that doesn't close easily without tape. She had layers of cabbage laid out on a wet tissue inside it and a few small holes for air to get in it.

Unfortunately, she didn't close it well enough on Sunday night before going to bed because Monday morning, the caterpillar was nowhere to be found. She must have pushed her way out using her enormous body after so much good eating. We looked for it then and throughout the day between going to and coming home from work and school. Lilica had to tell her teacher with sadness that the caterpillar she had been taking care of wholeheartedly was lost, to which her teacher replied that she'd have to find a new one in the field at school to continue the science project. We worried and looked again at night as well. We still couldn't find it.

Then, after Lily and Katsumi had gone to bed and right before I was to take my shower, I saw Lisa, yellowish and much skinnier, squirming and jerking around in the bathroom sink. She was hungry and thirsty. Apparently, she had been crawling along the length of an entire tatami room and a hallway all day to find her way back to food and water. I searched for the container she had called home for a week or so in another room. When Katsumi awoke to the sound of my loud exclamations, she saved Lisa from going down the drain. We returned Lisa to her abode happily and lightheartedly as it was such a relief to finally know she was safe. Lily woke up too and was so relieved. We all slept quite well that night.

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Adjusting to work at the biggest junior high school in the prefecture has been a tremendous experience. I've had my first lesson observation this week, had interviews with the Principal and co-Principal of the school, received my new school polo shirts for the Cool Biz season and arranged a timely lesson preparation schedule with all of the teachers I work with for team taught lessons. Minami Junior High is a dynamic and exciting place to work at!

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A true public official, James Comey, has integrity and grit comparable to none in Washington, D.C.

Former FBI Director Comey testifies before the Senate

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