Wednesday, May 3, 2017

憲法記念日 Constitution Memorial Day (Japan)

May 3rd is Constitutional Memorial Day in Japan

Lilica and I took an afternoon to play games inside and outside today. After a cool trip down a local game center where we played some video games, we headed up, as it were, the slopes of Mukoyama to the park at the top of the mountain.

Stone marker at Mukoyama park

It had been a while since we had visited this park. Lilica challenged herself to try all of the park's equipment and natural, rocky scenery with great success. I had a good time with her showing her the ropes, literally.

Spring is alive and well in the air, the land, the trees and the soil. Bugs are abuzz and life is transforming right before our eyes.

After my very cool daughter reached to the top of her obstacles, we rode our bikes gleefully down the mountainside home.

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Osaka was fun.

The Shinkansen home.