Monday, February 6, 2017

America, as John Lennon said, all we need is love.

SO, I'm going to be celebrating 13 years living overseas this July and I can't help but notice what a turn for the worst the politics is taking in my beloved America. Fact: except for Native Americans, all other Americans are immigrants.

I caught some of the recent ads from the Superbowl, the one at the top being quite good. There's another that highlights the cultural and linguistic diversity that is America by Coke.

The message, though not directly aimed at the tyrannical tyrant that is President Trump, nonetheless captures the mood of the country: we are only empowered by our national diversity. The border is just a line in the dirt. Our human network, a global entity, is fragile and desperately clinging to some shared solution to our impending climate disaster. We don't have time to waste arguing whether these people deserve to have clean water unpolluted by split oil or those people can legally enter because they happen to be from a particular Middle Eastern country not directly tied to business interests.
If Trump doesn't become nuclear trigger happy, we still have a chance to redeem our self-respect and social standing among the nations of the world. Maybe people within the continental United States can't see how recent changes to our Executive branch have made us a laughing stock, or, at the very least, a major point of concern. Yet, we can still do the work and change this. We, "e pluribus unum," out of many, one, are America and the love we generate can overcome any Tangerine-headed obstacle.

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In loving tribute to my favorite band Chicano Batman

  A humble tribute to Chicano Batman's "Live Today."